Sunday, April 18, 2010

Storyboard attempt again....

After reading a few other storyboards I saw Stephen Raymond's storyboard was done in Google Docs. Going to attempt this and hope for the best!!!

I do like the fact with this project I'm learning new ways at doing presentations. A bit of a challenge, but I'm learning!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Mod 3 - Assessing Collaborative Efforts

Palloff and Pratt in the book Building Online Learning Communities, discuss the roles and participation for the the facilitator and students in an online learning community. The thought is that there is always the "cheerleader" of the group who tries to continue a discuss and keep things moving. This helps those who are are not used to working in a community build that sense of belonging and wanting to learn too. Palloff and Pratt in Collaborting Online, also discuss that students should have a reflective component to their online work. Another aspect is having a group project that also has an individual component to it. Students can then show off their individual work while still collaborating with a group.
If students do not want to work on a collaborative project then I feel the group should try every effort to include him or her, but if that fails let the instructor know. The group should not be assessed on this person's lack of effort. If the attempts were made then the group would carry on minus that member. At this point it would then be up to the instructor on what type of grade or assignment that person is given.


I posted to the following:



blog post for storyboards

I posted to the following blogs:



I have fought and fought with this assignment. First, I couldn't get any free storyboard software to work. I have never used storyboard before, so I'm sure I was doing something not quite right. After completing the outline I cannot get it to post here. I'm going to write the basic layout that I plan, but wish I could get it to go! If anyone wants to leave a comment explaining how I can add attachments please feel free!!!!

1. Speaker will explain and present the need for mobile devices in the classroom.
2. Examples (still shots) of studnets using mobile devices in the classroom.
3. Describe various schools that are currently piloting the program. Explain the success they are seeing.
4. Short video from k-nect describing the benefits of mobile devices.
5. Short video for describign the benefits of mobile devices in schools.
6. End with speaker discussing the need to bring classrooms to the 21st Century of learning.

Friday, April 2, 2010

blogger urls

I posted to the following blogs

Stephen Raymond


Brandy Lutz


Collaboration in D.E. has transformed the way that people are able to communicate in D.E. today. Tools like wiki and blogging allow students in D.E. to share work, ideas, and insight with one another. Thinking back to face to face classes there was a great deal of lecture from the instructor and then students were mostly on their own to figure out assignments and complete projects. The collaboration that is involved in D.E. allows people who are in the same or similar fields to share ideas that not too many years ago you could only share with people that worked directly with you. Not only through D.E. am I sharing ideas for my courses, but I am also learning new ideas and technologies from people all around the world.