Friday, October 28, 2011

EDUC 7105 - MOD 4

How has your network changed the way you learn?

It seems like I have always had computers in my life since starting school.  I remember the AppleII computers in elementary school and having a Commador 64 at home.  Over the years what I have been able to use the computers for has changed my abilities to connect and learn.  I can quickly connect with friends, co-workers, family or peers via a variety of my networks.  In teaching and my classes through Walden I am able to quickly find information through educational blogs and educational journals.  20 years ago I would have spent hours at a library trying to find research, but would not have been able to find it nearly as fast as I can now.  

Which tools best facilitate learning for you?
 I can't say one tool works better for my learning.  It depends on the manner that I'm needing the tool for.  If I'm searching for new ideas to implement into my classroom I am more than likely to search various teacher blogs or iTunesU for a podcast.  However, if I'm needing to connect with a peer for a on online class I will use e-mail or Skype.   

How do you learn new knowledge when you have questions?

I often try to explore with new knowledge to see what I can figure out on my own.  If I know someone who has used the new knowledge I will contact them via e-mail, phone, etc.  At work and with my classes I have used webinars frequently to find out information.  There are several programs that we use in my school district that makes constant updates.  I often don't want to wait until we have a district training.  If there is a video describing what to do, a help desk, or anything similar I will use that first. 

1 comment:

  1. Kellie, when the Apple computer came out, my school counselor could not convince me to even take the class to learn about it. One day, I gave in and tried it. I completed the class, even though confused. Today, I sit here with may MacBook and numerous connections later. My networks have totally changed the way I learn and I use multiple tools to facilitate additional learning. Like you, I can’t pinpoint a primary tool for learning. I use what works for my objective. I am really impressed with your web. Regardless of what we use, there will be overlapping nodes on the map that will always touch into another network.
