Saturday, May 1, 2010

Click on the link to view the graphic organizer.

In creating the graphic organizer of the 3 C areas I thought of my classroom, students learning, and my teaching instruction. I tried to envision what areas I would like to use various technology with my students, how I could use it, or what I am currently using. Right now I feel that I’m in a technology rich district, but we are forbidden to use many tools to engage students.
While looking at the technology tools I found that many overlapped in other areas. Currently in my district we are using Skype to talk to other building so that we can professionally plan and collaborate together, but we are not allowed to use it with students. I think that would be a wonderful technology to have two classrooms full of students share science experiments, writing, or complete a reader’s theater project from . The same idea came to mind for blogs and wikis. I have several students who are very shy and reserved when it comes to speaking out in class and sharing their thoughts, but when they put pen to paper the ideas flow like a waterfall. If they were allowed to keep a student blog or start a group wiki I cannot imagine the knowledge they would be able to share with classmates or another age similar classroom. Wiki and blogs in my mind fit in all 3 C areas.
Content can be delivered by the educator, the students can collaborate together, and continued communication can come from the educator and the students combined. The educator posts questions so that all of the groups of students will respond (Durrington, Berryhill, & Swafford, 2006, p. 191).

Durrington, V. A., Berryhill, A., & Swafford, J. (2006). Strategies for enhancing student interactivity in an online environment. College Teaching, 54(1), 190-193. Retrieved April 29, 2010 from the Academic Search Premier database. Accession Number: 19754742.
Responded to :


  1. Hey Kellie-Your graphic organizer points out an important key aspect to the three "C's" and that would be that they are all interconnected and related. It would be easy to see how one wouldn’t function well without the other.

  2. I need to still post my discussion, but I'm glad you could see it. I struggled with getting the graphic organizer the way I wanted it and it still isn't quite there. I wanted to show them overlapping as a Venn Diagram would, but it wouldn't allow me to type there.
